Feb 19 / Dr. Jason Ampel

Praxis Special Education 2025 Guide: Core Knowledge and Applications (5354)


Do you want to teach in special education? If so, many states require a passing score on the Praxis Special Education: Core Knowledge and Applications (5354) exam. It is designed to assess a candidate’s knowledge of teaching students with disabilities. Passing the exam is possible with the proper preparation. 

In this guide, The Learning Liaisons will provide an overview of the exam, tips on preparing, and what to expect on test day. 

Don’t stress. With the right tools, strategies, and mindset, passing is possible, and we’re always happy to help. 

What is the Praxis Special Education: Core Knowledge and Applications Exam?

Purpose of the Exam

The Praxis Special Education: Core Knowledge and Applications (5354) exam is required by many states to become a certified special education teacher.

The exam focuses on the core knowledge and applications of the five basic principles of working with disabled students. Questions address various disabilities and degrees, from mild to profound.

Exam Format

The format of the 2-hour Praxis Special Education: Core Knowledge and Applications (5354) exam is as follows:

  •    Computer-based test (CBT).
  •    120 selected-response questions.

Content Breakdown

  •    Foundations and Professional Responsibilities (15%)

        - Special education laws, ethical principles, and professional conduct.
  •    Development and Characteristics of Learners (20%)

        - Understanding various disabilities and developmental processes.
  •    Planning and Learning Environment (23%)

       - Classroom management and creating inclusive learning environments.
  •    Instruction (23%)

        - Teaching strategies, adaptations, and assistive technology.
  •   Assessment (19%)

        - Data analysis, progress monitoring, and evaluation techniques.

Scoring System

Each state determines the passing score of the Praxis Special Education. To find out your state’s requirements, you can visit your state’s educational department website or look it up on the ETS State Requirements Drop Down Menu

Scores are calculated based on the number of correct answers, which are then weighted to provide a final score. 

Sometimes, the exam contains unofficial questions that are being tested for future use. These are not marked on your exam but will not be counted towards your final score. 

Also, Praxis does not subtract points for wrong answers. A guess is always better than leaving a question blank.

Don’t panic if your Praxis score isn’t what you’d hoped. ETS allows as many attempts as you need. However, candidates must wait 28 days between attempts. 

How to Prepare for the Praxis Special Education (5354) Exam

Preparation is essential to successfully passing the Praxis Special Education (5354). However, putting some thought and consideration into your preparation strategy will use your time more effectively, help you focus on the necessary content, and raise your chances of success. 

Review our steps for a productive exam preparation experience. 

Step 1: Understand the Exam Blueprint

First, ensure you have a copy of the official Praxis Study Companion Special Education: Core Knowledge and Applications (5354). The downloadable PDF provides an exam blueprint to help you familiarize yourself with the exam format and content areas. 

It also provides essential information, like:

  •    How to apply for testing accommodations. 
  •    Where to find testing schedules for your area.
  •    Useful links.

Step 2: Create an Effective Study Plan

Create an effective study plan by grabbing your calendar or favorite scheduling app and determining where you have time. Block those areas off so no other commitments can sneak in.

Next, create an outline for what needs to be covered. Break down study sessions by content area and set clear, achievable goals for each study session. You may also want to set weekly goals and progress assessment periods to ensure you are on track.

Keep in mind that your outline will need to be adjusted as you progress. You might master some content areas quickly, while others require more attention. Use your precious time wisely by reworking the schedule to focus on your weakest areas. 

Lastly, ensure to vary your study sessions. A bored mind is easily distracted. You’ll retain knowledge faster if you mix it up. You can use flashcards, watch videos, take practice quizzes, and meet up with study groups to help keep your sessions fresh.

Step 3: Practice with Mock Tests

Practice quizzes and tests are essential to preparation. They help you assess your progress in mastering the content areas.

Ensure some of your mock tests are full-length practice exams. Simulating real testing conditions will help you learn how to pace yourself during the exam and help you practice test-taking strategies, like leaving a question you don’t know and returning to it later. 

When you’ve completed a quiz or mock test, analyze your mistakes and rework your study outline to focus on your weaker areas.

Step 4: Focus on High-Impact Topics

Ensure your study time focuses on the high-impact topics within the 5 content categories. 

Topics to master in the Praxis Special Education (5354) include:

  •    Legal Framework: IDEA, Section 504, ADA, and IEP processes.
  •    Behavioral Strategies: Functional behavior assessments and interventions.
  •    Instructional Techniques: Modifications for diverse learners.

Step 5: Develop Test-Taking Strategies

Practicing test-taking strategies should be part of your preparation. Time management is essential to maximize your score. Don’t dwell on questions you don’t know. Make a note of the question, finish the exam, and then return to the questions you’ve left blank. As you go through the exam, clues within the other questions might jog your memory. 

There is no penalty for guessing the answer. You can increase your chances of correctly guessing a multiple-choice question by:

  •    Answer your best guess without looking at the choices. 
  •    Eliminate all choices that are obviously wrong. 
  •    Note the ones the remaining choices and select the one that best fits with your mental answer. 

Top Resources for Praxis Special Education (5354) Exam Preparation

1. Official Praxis Resources

Check out the official Praxis Resources for the Praxis Special Education (5354) exam:

2. Study Guides and Books

3. Online Learning Platforms

Online learning platforms are an excellent way to prepare for teacher certification exams. See how The Learning Liaisons can help you on your journey toward success.

4. Community and Mentorship

Keep an eye out for local and online exam preparation support. Places to consider:

  •    Special education forums and study groups. 
  •    Guidance from certified special education teachers. 
  •    Online tutoring
  •    Online groups. 

Test Day Tips for Success

 What to Do the Night Before

Set yourself up for success by taking care of a few tasks the night before your Praxis Special Education (5354) exam.

  •    Organize all required materials: ID, admission ticket, etc.
  •    Check your transportation route and confirm any rides or public transport options.
  •    Eat a healthy dinner.
  •    Skip alcohol and any other recreational substances.
  •    Select a comfortable exam outfit. Layers are recommended, and your shoes must be “quiet” when you walk. 
  •    Get a full night’s rest.

During the Exam

You should arrive at the testing center at least 30 minutes before your exam time. Leave anything you don’t need at home. The rest can be put in the locker. You will not be allowed to wear watches, electronic devices, jewelry, and large hair accessories. 

When taking your exam, you should:

  •    Go through all legal paperwork.
  •    Use the allocated time for the tutorial to familiarize yourself with the exam equipment.
  •    Allocate time wisely: 1 minute per question, with time for review.
  •    Skip questions you don’t know and return to them later.
  •    Stay calm and focused—use deep breathing to manage anxiety.
  •    If you have time, review your answers when you are finished.
  •    Raise your hand if you need help or a break. Don’t get up and wander around the room. 

After the Exam

After the exam your scores will be released on the date given when you registered. Scores will be released to your ETS/Praxis account and sent to any parties you requested. Scores will automatically be reported to states IF you reside in an automatic score-reporting state. 

If you did not pass, you could retake the exam in 28 days. 

If you pass, you can plan your next steps in your journey towards licensure or additional certification or endorsements. 

What’s Next After Passing the Praxis 5354 Exam?

Meet Certification Requirements

Passing the Praxis 5354 exam is only one part of the licensing and certification process. Check your state rules and regulations. Common items also required are:

  •    Education transcripts.
  •    Teacher preparation program transcripts.
  •    Background check.
  •     Fees.

Once you have your certification, you will need to stay up-to-date in your training to maintain certification and have career growth. Be aware of your state requirements and where you can obtain professional development opportunities, such as through SimpleK12

Explore Career Opportunities

Before jumping into the job market, consider the type of role(s) you would enjoy pursuing, such as:

  •    Special Education Teacher
  •    IEP Coordinator
  •    Resource Specialist

Invest time researching salaries for various roles and which areas of your state offer the best opportunities. Also, consider projected job growth and which roles provide the best pathways to new opportunities as your career progresses.


Proper preparation is the first ingredient to successfully passing the Praxis Special Education (5354) exam. Gathering your resources, designing a study plan, and taking practice tests will help you reach your goal. The Learning Liaisons can also help you through boot camps, one-on-one tutoring, and provide access to additional resources. We have helped many teachers on their pathway towards success.