A great offer
Praxis Writing Bundle
[1 Year Access]
Clear up the confusion on your Praxis Core Writing Test and get the knowledge, skill, and attitude you deserve and pass on your next attempt.
Bundle details are below.
This bundle includes our Multiple Choice & Constructive Response Boot Camps for this exam.
What's included?
Video Lessons with our rock star ELA Specialist, Joe Malfara
Practice Questions & Prompts
Test Taking Strategies
Why Enroll?
Since study guides are the #1 reason why the failure rates are so high on these exams, YOU deserve a REAL teach in your courses that will help you step-by-step with what you need to pass. No fluff. No extra stuff. Just the targeted approach you deserve. Save time & money.
Another Reason To Enroll...
Having to take these exams is a PAIN IN THE BUTT. You have more important things to do like lessons plans, other trainings, and your actual life! This test is just a speed bump. Let us get you to what is REALLY important. Which is teaching kids, not taking theses dang tests.
Courses included
Praxis Writing Bundle [1 Year Access]
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Praxis Writing Bundle [1 Year Access]
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