GKT Essay Subtest

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Your FTCE General Knowledge Essay Subtest Blueprint

  • Determine the purpose of writing to task and audience.
  • Provide a section that effectively introduces the topic.
  • Formulate a relevant thesis or claim.
  • Organize ideas and details effectively.
  • Provide adequate, relevant support by citing ample textual evidence; response may also include anecdotal experience for added support.
  • Use of a variety of transitional devices effectively throughout and within a written text.
  • Demonstrate proficient use of college-level, standard written English (e.g., varied word choice, syntax, language conventions, semantics).
  • Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from, or supports, the argument or information presented.
  • Use a variety of sentence patterns effectively.
  • Maintain consistent point of view.
  • Apply the conventions of standard English (e.g., avoid inappropriate use of slang, jargon, clichés).

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General Knowledge Test

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