Feb 19 / Dr. Jason Ampel

Praxis Teaching Reading: Elementary (5205) Exam Overview for 2025

Elementary teaching candidates across the US are frequently required to pass the Praxis Teaching Reading: Elementary (5205) to achieve certification. The test focuses on educators aiming to teach grades K-6, assessing their skills and knowledge of the science of reading and writing development.

The test's design was drawn from the National Reading Panel's 5 essential components of effective reading instruction:

  •    Phonemic Awareness.
  •    Phonics.
  •    Vocabulary.
  •    Fluency.
  •    Comprehension.

Few people find taking exams a joyous and delightful experience. However, with proper preparation, reducing stress and test-taking anxiety and passing teaching certification exams on the first try is possible.  

To help you get started on the path to success, our guide will go through the Praxis Teaching Reading: Elementary (5205), including:

  •    Exam Structure and Format.
  •    Content Areas Covered.
  •    Scoring and Passing Criteria.
  •    Preparation Strategies.
  •    Practice Test and Resources.
  •    Test Day Tips.

Exam Structure and Format

The Praxis Teaching Reading: Elementary (5205) is a 2.5-hour test (150 minutes) divided into two areas:

  •    90 Selected-Response Questions.
  •    3 Constructed-Response Questions.

Content Areas Covered

The Praxis Teaching Reading: Elementary (5205) is broken down into 6 content areas:

  1.    Phonological & Phonemic Awareness & Emergent Literacy: ±14 questions, 11%.
  2.    Phonics & Decoding: ±18 questions, 15%. 
  3.    Vocabulary & Fluency, ±21 questions, 18%.
  4.    Comprehension of Literacy & Informational Text: ±21 questions, 18%.
  5.    Written Expression: ±16 questions, 13%.

Scoring and Passing Criteria

The Praxis Teaching Reading: Elementary (5205) is scored on a weighted scale of 100-200. Generally, candidates must have a 159 or higher to pass. 

Scores are calculated by taking a raw score (how many correct answers a candidate achieved on the test) and then weighted. Selected-response questions are 1 correct answer = 1 raw point. 

Trained education experts score constructed-response questions (essay answers). At least two individuals read and score each answer.

To check your state's passing score, go to ETS Score Requirements. 

Candidates can also read the Understanding Your Praxis scores 2023-2024 for further information, including how raw scores are converted to scaled scores. 

Preparation Strategies

Successfully passing the Praxis Teaching Reading: Elementary (5205) boils down to quality preparation strategies and commitment. 

Not sure how to get started? No worries. We have plenty of tips to help you on your way.

Gather Your Study Resources

Gather study resources to help you prepare for your upcoming exam. For example, many candidates succeed by using our Praxis Teaching Reading: Elementary (5205) Boot Camp. Our courses and boot camps do more than help you gain knowledge in the exam content areas.

They are also designed to:

  •    Develop exam-taking strategies.
  •    Master test-taking time management.
  •    Increase confidence. 
  •    Reduce test-taking anxiety. 

Other ways to locate study resources include:

  •    Discover online study and support groups.
  •    Delve into your Teacher Certification Program Online Resources
  •    Look up Webinars.
  •    Watch quality YouTube videos.
  •    Read education websites.
  •    Utilize university and local libraries. 

Design a Study Plan

Design a study plan. Think of it as a road map to success. Use an old-fashioned paper calendar or your favorite "organize my life" app and schedule each session's dates, times, and goals. Remember: life will always find something else for you to do if you don't schedule study sessions like an essential appointment.  

Other tips for designing your study plan include:

  •    Creative study sessions: Preparing for a test might not be as fun as planning your next vacation. Nonetheless, you can dial up the interest and decrease boredom by bringing variety into your study plan. One day, you might focus on using flashcards; on another, watch a video; on another, consider scheduling some one-on-one tutoring sessions.   
  •    Overestimate the time you need: Embrace the saying, "Hope for the best, plan for the worst." You might breeze through your preparation courses and nail practice tests on the first try. On the other hand, life might go sideways, and you end up sick for a week, the car needs a new transmission, and the IRS decides this is an excellent month to audit your finances. Gracefully navigate the unexpected drama and your upcoming exam by blocking out more study time than you need.
  •    Record your progress: Take notes and track your preparation to help you use your time wisely. If you breeze through flashcards and practice quizzes on a specific content area, move on to another area where you are less confident. 

Practice Test and Resources

Practice tests and exam content area quizzes are essential to preparing for the Praxis Teaching Reading: Elementary (5205). Taking a variety from various sources, including free and paid material, provides numerous benefits, including:

  •    Reveals your strengths and weaknesses in content areas.
  •    Hones test-taking strategy skills. 
  •    Develop test-taking time management. 
  •    Creates familiarity with the exam format. 
  •    Provides data for tracking your preparation progress. 
  •    Improves test-taking confidence. 
  •    Reduces exam anxiety and stress.

Some sources to consider for practice tests and other exam resources include:

Test Day Tips

Test day can be gracefully navigated by planning. Here are a few things you can do in advance to help the process go smoother:

  •    Double-check that you are correctly registered and confirm date and time. 
  •    Ensure you have the necessary ID. 
  •    If you need accommodations, review the ETS Disability Accommodations page and see if you need to do anything in advance.
  •    Practice getting to the test center before the big day.
  •    Take a look at the Praxis Testing Demonstrations Videos.

What to Bring on Test Day

Teaching candidates on test day should bring the bare minimum and stick to the required items. The most essential is your admission ticket and ID documents. Read the Praxis Tests Information Bulletin to ensure your ID meets their requirements. 

Also check your exam guidelines and see if there are any required materials, such as a pencil. 

Lastly, check what should be left at home. Many items, such as jewelry, watches, and large hair accessories, are prohibited. Candidates are also asked to wear soft shoes that won't clunk when walking. 

Managing Test Anxiety

Feeling anxious or stressed about Praxis Teaching Reading: Elementary (5205) test day? Here are a few tips to help:

  •    Try a mindful app: There are many books, podcasts, articles, and classes to help people find methods and technique to manage and reduce anxiety, stress, and other mental loads. But many people find an app the most accessible. After all, how often are you without your phone? Apps are designed for many ways to tackle anxiety, including getting better sleep, improving your breathing, learning to meditate, or finding calm
  •    Head to a cat café: A 2021 study on nursing students discovered that animal-assisted therapy reduced anxiety before tests. Suppose you don't have pets or access to a trained therapy animal. There are many ways to hang out with adorable four-legged pals. Consider taking strolls by your dog park, popping into a local shelter, or visiting a friend with a cuddly pet. 
  •    Take care of yourself: Self-care might be an influencer trend, but it isn't all filters and marketing. Taking care of yourself can help you feel better and reduce anxiety. The Mayo Clinic advises eating healthy, especially a breakfast containing protein and complex carbs. Harvard Medical School's Division of Sleep Medicine has found that poor sleep is linked to mood disorders. Sometimes, the basics are the best medicine. 


Candidates can meet their Praxis Teaching Reading: Elementary (5205) goals with proper preparation. Nor are you alone. The Learning Liaisons has helped many teaching candidates achieve success. Don't wait. Contact us and learn how we can help you on your teaching career journey.